Ojo Azul. Publicdomainpictures. 2024 |
What is DNA?
Chef cocinando. Depositphotos.2024 |
DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid. It's a special molecule that carries all the instructions needed to make you, you! We can compare DNA to a recipe book but instead of instructions for making a cake, we have instructions for making a human being.DNA is found in almost every cell of your body and looks like a long, twisted ladder. This shape is called a "double helix."
What is DNA made of?
DNA is made up of four building blocks called nucleotides. These are like puzzle pieces that fit together in a specific order. The four nucleotides are:
- Adenine (A)
- Thymine (T)
- Cytosine (C)
- Guanine (G)
These letters (A, T, C, G) pair up in special ways: A with T, and C with G.
DNA. LibreText Biology.2024 |
6 Fun Facts about DNA
- Every living thing has DNA – plants, animals, and even tiny bacteria!
- You share 99% of your DNA with other humans, but that last 1% is what makes you unique.
- DNA is super small – if you stretched all the DNA in one human body, it would be about 67 billion miles long!
- We get half of our DNA from our mom and half from our dad.
- Your DNA can be found in many places, like in your hair, skin cells, and even your spit!
- We share almonst 99% of our DNA with chimpanzees, 50% with bananas and 18% with daisies.
IA Canva. 2024 |
Simple Uses of DNA
- Medicine: Doctors can use DNA to find out if someone has a disease or if they might get sick in the future.
- Forensics: Police can use DNA to solve crimes, by comparing it to DNA found at crime scenes.
- Family history: You can learn about your ancestors by studying your DNA!
What is Satellite DNA?
Satellite DNA is a special type of DNA that doesn't code for anything, but helps the chromosomes stay together. It’s like a helper, making sure the DNA is organized properly in our cells!
Isn't DNA amazing? It helps make every living thing unique and special!
¿Qué es el ADN para niños?Coco Bird. Youtube. 2024
Ciencia Divertida Galicia (2024) Ciencia Divertida. https://cienciadivertida.gal/el-adn-explicado-para-ninos/
ExperimentoCaseros.xyz (2024) Experimentos Casero. https://experimentoscaseros.xyz/blog/adn
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